Ā Get ready to rock any tech interview and land your next role!


You canĀ withĀ THREE 1-hour custom practice interviews with an expert career and interview coach.

Book your Tech Coaching Package NOW!

Have you learned that what you currently do pays a much higher salary at a tech company? Or maybe you're ready to transfer your skills from your current industry over to tech where you get paid a lot more and you hear you're treated better?

But now you’ve done some research and you’ve realized tech company interviews, even for non-tech roles, are a whole other ball game. 

Tech company interviews are intense.

They want you to go deep, share goals and results at a level other companies don’t always care about. In a tech interview, you will have questions about your background, behavioral questions around their leadership principles and the role, as well as culture questions, possible projects or role-plays, and more.

It can feel frustrating, challenging or downright impossible to showcase all the stories you need to in order show that you "get" how tech works. You have to start gathering those examples way before you ever get the phone call or email to interview. 

Plus, you're probably unsure even with practice that your answers are good enough. You can practice all you want but without feedback it's hard to know if you're doing it right!

It's a lot more to go over than what fits in my traditional 1-hour practice interview session. 

That's why I created this 3-part interview package- to work on not just one area of an interview, but multiple areas to focus on the variety of interview questions and scenarios you will go through. Plus, to get the ability to see how you improved. 

In these sessions, we will get your core answers and stories created and get you comfortable and confident in sharing them. Plus, we will strategize on how to make your answers, and even your non-verbal communication, demonstrate you are the person for the job!


Tech Interview Coaching Package

3 comprehensive interview practice calls that are customized to fit your experience, expertise, and cultural fit for the tech industry.

If you follow the process I give you, you will be ready and confident as soon as you get the call or email to interview for that dream role! No last-minute stress about how to answer behavioral questions, leadership principles, etc. You will have the foundation ready so you can walk in, interview well, show alignment to the role and company, and land that new, better-paying job!


These sessions are for you if you want to work in tech, have been applying, but aren’t quite interview-ready.

When you book the tech interview coaching package you'll get:

  •  3 1:1 Hour-Long interview practice sessions (30 min. answering questions/ 30 min. feedback in each session)
    • 1 Baseline interview of behavioral and traditional interview questions
    • 1 culture/leadership interview
    • Final interview to see improvement and gain further feedback 
  • Recordings of each session
  • Tailored interview questions based on the company and role you are looking at


Book your sessions today!

Do you have some questions you need answered before booking? Book a call to discuss by clicking the button below!

Click here to chat first

*** These sessions are NOT for you if you have an interview in the next few days. You can book a 1hr. Practice session with me HERE.

Waiting until you feel more confident before applying to that job? Draining


Lost job opportunities? Expensive


Lost sleep while you worry about interviewing? Irreplaceable


Confidence in your interview skills? Priceless

When we were teens, our parents or teachers likely helped up practice for an interview — or you at least heard that you should practice. But as busy, working adults who are trying to find a new dream role, interview practice might be skipped for the sake of simply applying to jobs, researching the company, brushing up on required skills, and so on.


If we do practice for an interview, it’s with friends or family and it usually ends in a giggle session or you don’t get any helpful (or industry-specific) feedback. And if you’re more of the “practice by doing” type, you might just think you can do a few non-ideal job interviews, get feedback, and then rock your dream interview.


If that’s you, you’ve probably never dealt with HR. The odds of getting feedback from a potential employer or their hiring team is nil to none. So what can you do? Book a 1:1 interview prep session with me.

Not sure this is what you need? Here's what  past clients had to say:

A. Lilly

"After countless interviews and no offers I knew I needed to change something. The questions asked in the practice interview were exactly what I typically get in interviews, including the historically tricky ones. Cassandra called out things I did well, as well as things for me to work on. It was helpful to build my confidence while also addressing what to do differently.

In the end, I got two job offers!! I’m also more confident in my interviewing abilities & how to answer questions."

J. Chia

"Getting Cass’ feedback helped me focus on areas that I needed to improve and that really brought out my personality in the real interview. I got a job that pays 40% higher than I would usually get in marketplace. 

If you have done everything you can to pass an interview and you're still not getting the job that's when you need to bring in a professional coach like Cassandra to identify why you aren’t getting the offer.  By having the awareness of where you're most vulnerable you can focus and start improving in that area."

S. Kim

"I found Cassandra through the great advice she gives on YouTube, and  I wanted to see what advice she can give me to overcome my obstacles in the interview. Because of working with her, I feel much more confident about how to approach the interview.

The format was concise and I really liked that she did her homework too! In a lot of mock interviews, the interviewer sometimes forgets to do that part. I also liked the honest feedback at the end of the session. There was no sugar coating, which is what I wanted from this session. I wanted to know how to get better and Cass offered exactly that. The experience overall was like a formal interview. Cass does her homework and comes prepared. The interview questions are straightforward and recorded so you can take notes after. The best part is the feedback that is given, it's straightforward, and more than it being one-sided, its an honest conversation. You can tell that she wants you to succeed."

A. Strong

"I found Cass via her YouTube videos when I was searching for interview tips. I could tell she was knowledgeable on the subject, I connected with her personality type, and found her one-on-one session pricing to be worth the investment. Working with Cass allowed me to get out those first interview jitters. I think by her asking me the tough questions I've found my interviews to be on the easier side of the spectrum. She did a great job of researching the job description and company I was applying for so she could ask questions relevant to my situation. Her feedback and comments on my unique situation were helpful. I was able to focus on a few key takeaways and adjust my answers and thought process on how I answer an interview question. I love Cass’ energy and down to earth style.  Thank you for helping me practice for my interviews, giving me tips on how to do better, and sending over the recording so I could reference it after the session."

Overused interview prep questions don’t help you land your dream job.


Get a customized, 1:1 practice interview with someone who knows exactly what hiring managers and employers are looking for.


This isn’t a generic interview prep practice session, with random questions pulled off the internet. I actually do the research on the job (if you have a specific one in mind), and tech companies you are looking at, and more so that I can craft  practice sessions that are thorough and specific.

During each session, I’ll help you figure out:

  1. What to expect during the interview 
  2. The types of questions that might be asked based on the company, industry, and role
  3. What you already do well as an interviewee
  4. What you can improve upon to leave a positive impression
  5. How to tell your story and connect it to the job

If you want to have the tools and confidence you need to rock the interview and know that you did your best, book your Tech Interview Coaching package with me today.


These sessions are right for you if…

  • You want to pivot to tech but you've never done tech company interviews before
  • You know you need help creating and giving those strong leaderships principle answers
  • You want to be ready for when that email comes that Google, Amazon, Facebook, etc. wants you to interview!

These sessions might not be the right fit if:

  • You are looking for a guaranteed job interview
  • You have an interview in a few days
  • You aren't ready to roll up your sleeves to work on answers to tough questions

Do you want to make your next interview your LAST interview? 

Invest in your career, by supporting yourself with interview coaching, specific and helpful feedback, and much-needed preparation. Let’s make sure you walk into (and out of) your next interview feeling confident that you got the job.


Here are just a few of the results I’ve gotten previous clients:

O. Boros

"Cassandra’s practice questions covered a wide range of topics and were similar to the actual interview questions. 

 And when Cass provided feedback, she did not only explain what I could do better but also explained why and provided specific suggestions/answer possibilities. This gave me new insights on how to position and market myself. It also taught me how to deal with difficult interview questions/interview questions I hadn't prepared. "

D. Salgado

"If you are on the fence about booking a practice interview, do it! It will help you so much in preparing for your interview mentally and physically.  You will not regret it! It makes a world of difference in how you view and answer interview questions."

M. Namdar

"I am looking for new opportunities inside my company and as a result, needed to work on my interview skills.  I saw Cass’ video on YouTube and I was hooked.  I have seen other practice interview videos but none were as compelling as Cass. As a result of working with Cassandra, I am more confident in my ability to perform an interview. I would tell anyone considering the interview  I have learned a lot from Cassandra in a very short period of time and as a result, I was able to nail my interview.  The coaching that Cassandra is the best and she provides valuable insights on how to interview well."

UPDATE emailed to Cass:

"I wanted to let you know that I got 3 offers the same day from COMPANY and I accepted one. I have to say to that the one-day practice with you was so well worth it."

Meet your Career Strategist

It’s so frustrating to interview and not get a job — and to not know why you aren’t getting hired. 

I’ve been working as a career strategist since 2014, and I have found that one of the biggest missing pieces from our career success is similar to anything else in life. We get better the more we pracitce.

With some outside help and feedback on their interviewing process, my clients have gone from being stuck in the same place (unemployed or at a nightmare job) to leveling up to the job of their dreams. 

By offering personalized feedback and 1:1 practice interview sessions, I’ve seen my clients step into an interview feeling confident and capable — and coming out with more job offers than before. 

I can’t wait to help you interview (and land) that amazing new job.