Authentically build an audience of never-ending leads on LinkedIn.

Imagine finally becoming a known industry expert…while gaining a pipeline of qualified leads at the same time.


This 1:1 coaching is for you (or your assistant) to know how to effectively use LinkedIn to earn sales and build on your already stellar reputation- all customized to you! 

Because let’s be real, you don't have time for weeks or months of group coaching sessions, listening to other's irrelevant questions to your business, to wait for your 10 minutes (tops) to get your questions answered. 

And say goodbye to cringe-y dance videos and hello 👋 to authentically building an audience of clients.

Are you ready for unlimited business leads while growing your thought leader status?

You know It’s time to earn more revenue in your business while also building your expert status online, but you just can't get yourself to do a silly dance or spend hours searching “trending audio”  to make it happen. (And you don't need to.)

It's time to start focusing on the one social platform MADE for professionals to showcase their work.

Have you ever wondered if you can build your reputation and client pipeline online without so much time and energy involved?

Allow me to introduce (or re-introduce) you to LinkedIn!

Did you know...

  • LinkedIn is the WEALTHIEST social media platform, with 50% of users having a household income of $75k or higher
  • 4 out of 5 people on LinkedIn drive business decisions for their companies
  • Linkedin is 277% more effective at generating leads than Facebook or X (aka Twitter) 

And oh yeah, there are over 1 BILLION users, 141 million people logging in every single day, yet only 3 million or so POST content…. Which means- if you post, you will be seen. 

LinkedIn is the only platform where you can get in front of your target audience and lets you reach out to them to chat from day one.


Why hang out anywhere else?


Authentically Grow Your Business with LinkedIn 

Get Started NOW!

I truly believe that LinkedIn is THE platform for any professional.  

My LinkedIn profile and posts landed me article features, podcast guest spots, speaking engagements, and new clients.

I want it to do the same for you. 

In 4 one-on-one sessions I’ll cover all aspects of how to use LinkedIn organically and authentically to grow your business.

All done with your strategic objectives and goals in mind. 

You’ll walk away with: 

  • An optimized LinkedIn All-Star level profile to be found in the right search results
  • Connections in your sweet spot so you can develop and grow those leads into clients
  • Strategies and tactics to create content that amps up your expert status and builds your client pipeline at the same time. 

Success on LinkedIn comes down to 3 things: Profile, People, and Posting.


We’ll spend a session on each.  Here’s what our time together will look like:

1st Session: How LinkedIn Works and Profile Optimization

In our first hour session, we'll go over how LinkedIn actually works -Don't worry, we won't spend forever on the nitty-gritty of LinkedIn, but you'll know enough to be dangerous. And then we'll spend the rest of our time on optimizing your profile to be found in search.

By the end of the hour you'll know: 

  • The massive potential you have on LinkedIn
  • Exactly what actually matters on a LinkedIn profile (and what you can ignore)  
  • What to prioritize to fix first

I know LinkedIn can be overwhelming, but by spending a few minutes every day (or even in the session) working through changes, you can have an optimized LinkedIn All-Star level profile ASAP. And all revision suggestions are tailored to you and your business!

(psssttt…Implementing what you learn in just this hour alone will raise your visibility on LinkedIn. I have clients who optimized their profile and then barely touch the platform, but still get leads and customers solely off their stellar profiles.)

2nd Session: People

In our second hour together I'll review your updated profile and then we get into the FUN stuff- how to find your ideal clients, and build that audience. 

You'll learn: 

  • How to build your initial audience FAST 
  • Where and how to find that ideal client (No Sales Navigator needed)
  • What to say when looking to connect
  • Ways to follow up and engage to build the know, like and trust factor

I get it.  We've all been sold to on LinkedIn. 

A connection request seems genuine and then they immediately hit you with an inquiry to do a sales call. 


By the end of our hour you'll know how to rise above the noise and make connections to continue conversations and turn them into clients.

3rd Session: Posting

Okay, you've built an All-Star Level Profile, you've started building that audience, but now in our 3rd session we get to engage them and start drawing new people to you!

 You'll learn:

  • How the LinkedIn algorithms work to get reach
  • What to post that's still authentic to you!
  • What options are currently getting the most engagement
  • We'll even write a post together

Does every post you see on LinkedIn feel like a humble brag or low-key flex?

You may be asking yourself, “Is there any way to be genuine on this platform?” Yes! 

And I'll show you how.

*Plus, if you, like me, are not a "jump off the high-dive" kind of person, I'll show you the steps to go from wading into the shallow end to swimming in the deep end of the LinkedIn pool in just a matter of days. Seriously. 

4th Session: Personalized Strategic Plan
Once you get your feet wet and start going to work on LinkedIn, you're bound to have new questions and I want to make sure they're answered. We'll meet one last time for an hour  to make sure you are ready to continue on your LinkedIn journey. 

Plus, now that you've started really using LinkedIn we'll have a baseline and can set some goals moving forward.

You'll get: 

  • A 60-minute call to answer any lingering questions! 
  • A strategic, 90 day plan to know exactly where to go next 

Let’s get you building authentic relationships and raising your status on LinkedIn in the next 30 days.

Easy Scheduling

Click the get started button, sign up, and boom! You'll receive an email with your login info and all you need to book your first session.

Custom Coaching to Leverage LinkedIn

Through our 4 sessions you’ll learn what to prioritize to maximize every angle of LinkedIn - with an expert to guide you along the way.

Changed in 30 days

 30 days from now you’ll be growing your audience and building your brand with ease, while still being authentically yourself. 
Get Started Now!

Let’s talk about extras:

Recordings of our calls

We’re going to cover A LOT in our calls and while I think you should always take notes, having the recordings to look back on later in the week ( or in 6 months) is enormously helpful.

(I’ve learned some coaches charge EXTRA for this, and again, to me that’s just price gouging. I WANT you to succeed!)

“But what do I say?" Swipe files

Not sure how to reach out and connect? In this workbook you get 20+ messages to use to connect on LinkedIn (and elsewhere!) 

Maximizing LinkedIn for Professional Opportunities Program

A library of video micro-lessons on every area of LinkedIn  to prep before calls and to refresh your memory after! (6 Months access) 

Get Started Now!

I knew LinkedIn was important, but I didn't know where to start. I reached out to Cassandra for help and to say she delivered is an understatement! She not only helped me clean up my profile, she taught me how to utilize this tool to advance my business. Within days of our consultation, I connected with a business owner via LinkedIn - who has become one of my biggest clients to date. I cannot recommend Cassandra's consulting services highly enough - she's amazing.

Michelle Fortin, Top Knot Comedy

Sure, you COULD ...


…keep trying to get exposure and build clients on Instagram or Facebook... or TikTok.

But how do you know you're content is getting the right set of eyeballs on it? And having to keep up with all Meta's algorithm and trend changes is EXHAUSTING.


...or you could join one of those group coaching programs…

where you're one in a Zoom room of many and you have to sit and listen to questions that have ZERO to do with your business, waiting for the precious 5 minutes where you get your question answered or feedback needed. Feels like a big waste of time to me.


...or you can DIY it by watching videos, reading articles on LinkedIn, etc...

but let's be real, we all know that is the sloooowww train to growth on any platform.


Instead, you can choose to invest in 1:1 coaching that won't break the bank and earns you new leads and clients. 

Your investment for all this 1-on-1 goodness?

  • 4 1:1 sessions  $2000 value
  • Profile Audit/Review $147 value
  • Swipe files and worksheets $97 value
  • LinkedIn Micro-Lessons $500 value
  • Customized 90-Day Strategic Action Plan $497 value
  • Recordings of our calls $300 value

When you add it all up it's a value of $3541

... but you can join for just $1597

Get Started NOW!

*Please note I only book 3 clients a month for this intimate coaching & spots typically book out 2-3 weeks ahead*

I have had so many questions about LinkedIn and if it would work for me and for my business, and I feel really excited to go start my LinkedIn profile now. Cassandra was engaging and exciting, but also informative and efficient.

Gigi Ropp, Sister Site City Mom Collective Conference, Idaho CityMom East Idaho Moms

"Before meeting Cassandra, I didn't fully understand the value of LinkedIn. I had devoted so much time and money to all the other social media platforms that LinkedIn fell by the wayside. There just isn’t enough time in the day to do them all. However, what I realized through working with Cassandra is that LinkedIn can help you get in front of the people you need to in a very targeted way. Almost immediately after making the changes that she recommended, I got a new client who found me through LinkedIn. I would highly recommend taking Cassandra's course if you want to learn actionable, easy to implement tips for getting yourself noticed on LinkedIn."

Rebekah Epstein, fifteen media

Even Gary Vee says LinkedIn is where it's at!

After working together and implementing what you’ve learned in our sessions, I guarantee your client leads and brand exposure will improve and grow. 

 And I can guarantee you will get well-above the $1597 in terms of value, strategy, and service from me to support you and learn all you need to succeed on LinkedIn. 

 You can check out the terms and conditions here.

You might be wondering...

"Why should I work with you?"

I’m Cassandra, a Career Strategist and Speaker who built her business online. And somewhere along the way, I was no longer teaching only job seekers how to use LinkedIn, but speaking and coaching to business owners on the power of LinkedIn too!

And here’s the thing:

You know you need to be on LinkedIn, but it probably feels overwhelming and maybe inauthentic - people just constantly bragging about their accomplishments.

I get it. It can be that way. 

BUT- I built my LinkedIn from being real and honest, human yet still professional and from that has come speaking opportunities, brand deals, clients, and thought leadership in industries. Not to mention being asked by LinkedIn to be a guest on their Careers LinkedIn Live show.

And oh yeah, I don't think I've ever spent more than 30 minutes at a time on LinkedIn. 

 And yes, could I just send you videos pointing out what works and doesn't on LinkedIn and leave it up to you to implement on your own? Sure.

But let me ask you-

How many courses have you bought over the last few years that you didn't watch all the lessons let alone execute on? 

No shame, I'm in that boat too 🙋🏼‍♀️. 

My goal is not to just sell something and make money. My goal is to get you to action on the thing I believe will move the needle in your business in an authentic and genuine way.

I know real and genuine relationships that lead to clients are found on LinkedIn. I know that by teaching it to you in a one-on-one setting, you learn faster- seeing the tips and tricks applied to your actual profile calls you to act.

Are you like my favorite clients?

  • You're excited at the idea of what LinkedIn can provide. You’ve heard the hype, you just haven’t had the chance to work on it for yourself. 
  • You want to make genuine connections with the right clients, rather than spamming 1000's and hoping 1 or 2 take the bait.
  • You're ready to be a known expert in your space and want to build that online presence- you just don't want to dance to make that happen


  • If you (or your assistant) can't spend 15 min a weekday on LinkedIn, or...
  • You think blackhat strategies, "spray and pray" emails, and spammy messages are the right way to earn clients…

I’m not your cup of iced coffee (Sorry, I don’t drink tea).

Let’s make you a known leader in your industry and gain clients at the same time. 


You know you want more exposure, more credibility and you know being on social media can give you that, but Instagram, TikTok, Facebook, X are all taking time away from valuable client work and lead generation.

Sure, on those platforms you might get a sale here and there from DMs, but NO OTHER SOCIAL PLATFORM has the capability to build your targeted client base at the same time as building your thought leader status. 

It’s truly a win-win.

If you stop focusing on the platforms where you have to dumb down what you do into dance videos and pithy tweets and instead focus on the platform where the grown ups hang out you can earn business fast. 

Not to mention LinkedIn is the only platform where you can still connect instead of follow, so your audience builds fast and the reach of that audience is MASSIVE. 


Why be anywhere else online?


Come get coached to Authentically Grow Your Business on LinkedIn and let’s start getting you more clients now.

Get Started Now!