See why Cassandra is your next speaker on authentic relationship building for professional success.

Book Cassandra to Speak!

Cassandra Thompson is a globally recognized speaker whose work casting contestants for Wheel of Fortune, strategizing on the recruitment team at Riot Games, and coaching ambitious professionals made her into a networking paragon. 

Through her talks, Cassandra helps audience members reach their professional goals by leveraging the power of networking (i.e. authentic relationship building) both in person and online. She not only has a wonderful way of demystifying the topic but she also makes it humorous and entertaining. Her insights have reached over 9 million people on YouTube and been featured on high-performing podcasts as well as ABC7, CNBC, and other major media outlets. Whether it's through Cassandra’s keynotes, workshops, training, or coaching you always walk away motivated and equipped with actionable steps to implement immediately. 

Cassandra is on a mission to get people back to building authentic, real relationships.  

Get Cassandra's Speaker Kit Here
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Presentation Options

THIS is Why You Hate Networking (and How to Fix It)

Networking is intimidating to many and often misunderstood. It can feel sleazy- who wants to use people? Or scary- very few like walking up to strangers and starting conversations. But yet, we know networking is important to reach any career goal- whether that’s a need for referrals, a promotion, a mentor, or simply building your professional reputation.

In this talk, Cassandra makes networking approachable (and dare I say, “fun?”) and your audience will come away with a 5-step plan to network their way to achieving their own definition of career success. 

Key Takeaways:

  • Networking can be exciting, and it’s just a matter of mindset
  • A 5-step plan on how to network with ease to get the results you want
  • The actual words to use when reaching out to build your network

This talk is perfect for…

  • Affinity/Employee Resource groups within your company
  • Your teams looking to build relationships for Customer Acquisition and Retention
  • Developing your talent pipeline for retention

 Make LinkedIn Work for YOU

You want to be seen to create a credible brand for yourself and your company. Maybe you are working your butt off creating content for Instagram, Facebook, Twitter,  and maybe YouTube TikTok, but are you on LinkedIn? Learn why LinkedIn is the best social media platform for all professionals and why it can build and get you in front of your ideal audience faster than on any other platform. In this session you and your team will learn how to use LinkedIn to establish your name and build your customer base at the same time!

Key Takeaways:

  • What LinkedIn is and why it is the best place to grow
  • How to easily add LinkedIn to your already bursting at the seams content calendar without taking tons of extra time
  • How to grow on LinkedIn in 10 minutes a day

This talk is perfect for…

  • Business owners and their teams
  • Associations
  • Can be a workshop or keynote depending on the type of conference

Maximize Your Internship Experience

Everyone hopes their internship will land them a full-time offer, but how do you make that happen in an industry where offers aren’t guaranteed?

Learn how to make the most out of your internship and get that full-time job by using the same techniques Cassandra used to leverage her internship at On Air with Ryan Seacrest into 5 interviews for full-time jobs and landed her first job after college at Sony Pictures, working for Wheel of Fortune and Jeopardy!

Key Takeaways:

  • How to stand out above and beyond the other interns
  • What professional success skills to master to be ahead of the crowd
  • How to strategically get others to start finding jobs for you!

This talk is perfect for...

  • Your interns! This talk directly to interns can make them better workers for you, and will help build your early professionals talent pipeline.
  • College students- most likely juniors and seniors
  • Can be a keynote or a hands-on workshop depending on the event setting
Book Cassandra to Speak

What past clients & attendees have to say: 

Cassandra is relatable, honest, and enthusiastic in her talks. Hearing the real-life examples of how to improve and apply our networking skills was the most helpful part of the presentation and we have already been putting these new skills to work! We are now able to more effectively work with others, which helps us to move innovation forward more quickly and effectively.

Honestly, hire her! She provides actionable networking advice in a socially safe and relatable manner!

Christine Anderson,
VP Innovation and Strategy, Banner Health

Cassandra should talk to ALL Colleges. Cassandra’s words are powerful, inspiring, and truthful. She showed the real life ugly and pretty to what it takes to build your brand and reach your dream goal/career. 

Gina Frantino,
New Student Orientation Leader, Nassau Community College

I have taught college courses for over a decade and have invited dozens of guest speakers into my classrooms. It is rare to find a presenter who can offer a message that is pinpoint accurate to my students’ needs, and also deliver it in a fashion that captivates their attention throughout the entire presentation. Cassandra is one of those rare presenters…

Dr. Waleed Rashidi,
Professor, College of Communications, CSUF

Cassandra's LinkedIn workshop was very interactive and exceeded our expectations. Her session was jam-packed with actionable tips that provided practical ways for students to build a foolproof LinkedIn profile and strategy.

 Paul Sohn,
Director of Calling & Career Initiative at Crowell School of Business, Biola University

Cassandra has a way to make learning fun. Students are learning and entertained at the same time. I look forward to having her back on campus in the near future. 

Gregg Gudelinis,
 Instructor/Counselor, Center for Students with Disabilities/Student Activities, Department of Student Personnel Services, Nassau Community College

Cass was amazing as a speaker. So not only did she come prepared and you could tell that by the way she was presenting, but she was also encouraging and like just uplifting in what she was saying, how she said it, and just really connecting with the audience, which isn't something that everybody comes naturally with.

Cass was a great speaker and I hope that you find her of value as your speaker as well.

Michael Forrester, Social Media Day Wichita Attendee

Cassandra brought her expertise to our community and shared a seamless talk that was well-prepared and relevant to our audience. She took into consideration their skill level and added her own personality and flair to a technical presentation. She entertained our audience while also teaching practical skills they can use today! Cass had people laughing while they were taking notes. We highly recommend Cassandra Thompson as a speaker for any event. 

Krissy Buck , Vice Chair Digital Wichita

Cassandra is an engaging speaker with a passion to help writers understand and utilize the power of LinkedIn to establish and expand their career. Her presentation was thorough, easy to follow, and filled with actionable ideas. I recommend her as a speaker and a coach without reservation!

Susan Pohlman, 

Phoenix Writers Network

5 Reasons Why You Should Book Cassandra Thompson as Your Next Speaker

Her presentations are:

  1. Entertaining- Let’s face it, professional development can be dry. Not with Cassandra. She’ll share how to get ahead with fun and entertaining stories- like the time a brunch at the Four Seasons ledd to job offers. 
  2. Approachable- The biggest feedback Cassandra receives is “She gets it.” The goal of every talk is to make the intimidating now doable.  
  3. Actionable- Tired of talks where you leave excited but don’t know what to do once you leave? Cass is too. She makes sure every talk leaves you and your audience with takeaways you can implement IMMEDIATELY.
  4. Practical- Cassandra doesn’t share anything she hasn’t tried herself- everything has been tested to ensure it's effective! Your audience is going to learn skills they can use every day to achieve bigger professional success. 
  5. Customized-Cassandra makes sure your audience knows this talk was made for them. She will spend time learning about your organization beforehand and will incorporate elements that show how she was a hand-selected part of your team. Plus she is experienced, drama-free, and super easy to work with.
Book Cassandra to Speak

Past Engagements: 

  • Banner Health
  • Speedo
  • Social Media Day Wichita
  • Sister Site Conference, City Mom Collective
  • Nassau Community College
  • Biola University
  • California State University, Long Beach
  • Southern California PRSSA chapters
  • Miramar College
  • California State University, Fullerton
  • UC Irvine
  • IABC Indy
  • People of Video
  • Ellevate OC
  • LinkedIn Local OC
  • Social Media Marketing World (Emcee)
  • VidSummit (Emcee)
Book Cassandra for Your Next Event

Recently, we had the pleasure of hosting Cassandra Thompson, who expertly guided us through the immense value of LinkedIn for our businesses. Her engaging and entertaining approach made the topic accessible to everyone, and she ensured that no question went unanswered. Cassandra’s ability to create a comfortable and inclusive environment left a lasting impression. As a result of her presentation, I learned how to better utilize LinkedIn, and judging by the excitement in the room, I wasn’t the only one benefiting from her insights.

Jennifer Dziak-Mansur, Peoria Women 4 Women Event